Horror Movies with a Comedy Twist

One of the most popular movie genres is horror movies. There are many that are avid enthusiasts when it comes to this type of movie. For some though they are just a bit too scary but still have some intrigue to them. For them, they may be content watching a horror movie that has a

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How to Enjoy Coffee with Movies

Many movies feature actors drinking coffee in the home or in coffee-bars throughout the world. Some notable examples that feature memorable scenes involving coffee are Goodfellows, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Thor, and Groundhog Day. Have a closer look to find the famous scenes featuring coffee; you may be surprised to see

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How is Background Music in Horror Movies Selected?

The importance of music to movies and videos cannot be overstated. Every content creator knows that professional background soundtracks can make or break their project. Music and sounds are at the core of driving emotional responses, even more than the visuals. Given such importance, there are pitfalls and crucial things to consider before landing on

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The Art of Enjoying a Movie

Movies are one of the most commonly enjoyed entertainment medium and one of our longest standing technological and artistic advancements. Movies come in a wide variety of genres and can be enjoyed by anyone. If you’re looking for action-packed thrills? There are movies for you. If you’re looking history and culture? There are movies for

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Horror Movies

Early Cinema The Germans were the first nation to embrace the horror genre in cinema. Their movies were influenced by the Gothic novels of Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley. The set design of early horror films had elements of surrealism. This can be seen predominately in The Cabinet of Dr Caligari. Nosferatu also stands out

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Horror Films of the 1890’s-1920’s

in 1896, George Melies, the so-called French master of illusion, created a film titled The Devil’s castle, also known as the haunted castle in the United States. The short three-minute film opens up with a bat, circling around a creepy room in a castle. It’s in this silent film that were greeted with the skeleton

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Famous Horror Movie Soundtracks

Film soundtracks are a thing of the new era, and the best score is normally the one that you don’t notice at all. However, most memorable movie music announces itself and creates an unforgettable link with the film. Who can forget the notes that accompany Jaws, or the trumpets that herald Star Wars? There are

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Iconic Horror Movie Props

Horror movies remain one of the most popular genres across all age groups. Great movies understand how to evoke human emotion, but no genre can do it better than horror. Fear is the fastest emotion that we experience and we are able to feel it in safety. Waiting with trepidation and baited breath for the

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The Rise Of Horror Movies

Today horror movies are a common fiction genre across movie shops and entertainment venues that offer audiences a platform to watch movies on super screens. The history of these movies dates back to more than a century when movie scriptwriters started to produce works that combined fantasy, fiction, and thrilling scenes. Since then, viewers have

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