The deadlift, squat, and shoulder press are foundational movements every actor should master. While these three exercises may not come with all the whistles and bells we see influencers posting on social networks, they deliver every inch of fitness that actors need to be in their best shape.
Shoulder Press
This press is important for strengthening your shoulders for tumbling capabilities and overhead partnering lifts, among other benefits. One thing about this exercise is that most people do it incorrectly. When pressing;
- Ensure your back remains straight
- Keep your ribs tucked down
- Never look up, keep looking straight ahead instead
Tip: Ensure you’re exercising in proper sports attire, whether it’s tight for flexibility or a high impact sports bra nz for holding your breasts in place. Good bras can be found online at Aim’n, where you can choose a size that fits you. From small and medium to large and extra large, there is always a high impact sports bra nz that fits you at this store.
As an actor, you’re often required to pick up people or objects from the ground, and you can’t excel in that without a proper deadlift technique unless you’re looking for injury. Your ability to make use of the posterior chain muscles during a performance can result in increased abilities for partner lifts, ensuring you become a reliable asset to any film production company.
The squat is essential to avoid back and knee injuries. That’s because the fundamental body positioning executed when squatting comes with the crucial body awareness needed to steer clear of these injuries. Don’t forget that squatting is also a primary compound movement needed to boost your leg strength. From movie actors and footballers to dancers and boxers, every good athlete has strong, able legs.